
Returns scoped CSS from Ractive subclasses defined at the time of the call.

If used without arguments, it will return the scoped CSS of all subclasses.

const Subclass1 = Ractive.extend({
    css: 'div{ color: red }'
const Subclass2 = Ractive.extend({
    css: 'div{ color: green }'
// css contains the scoped versions of div{ color: red } and div{ color: green }
const css = Ractive.getCSS();

If provided an array of scoping IDs, it will return the scoped CSS of all subclasses whose scoping ID is included in the array.

// Assuming the generated ID for this subclass is 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'
const Subclass1 = Ractive.extend({
    css: 'div{ color: red }'
// Assuming the generated ID for this subclass is 'yyyyyyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyy-yyyyyyyyyyyy'
const Subclass2 = Ractive.extend({
    css: 'div{ color: green }'
// css contains the scoped version of div{ color: red } only
const css = Ractive.getCSS([ 'xxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' ]);


Returns a string containing the scoped CSS of all subclasses.

ractive.getCSS( scopingIds )

Returns a string containing the scoped CSS of all subclasses whose scoping ID is included in the array.

scopingIds Array

An array of subclass CSS scoping ids.