Event Bubbling

Events that fire in components will bubble up the view hierarchy - see this demonstration. Bubbling events are namespaced by the element name used for that component in the template:

ractive = new Ractive({
    el: document.body,
    template: '<widget/>',
    components: {
        widget: Ractive.extend({
            template: '<button on-click="select">Select Me</button>'
    oninit: function () {
        this.on( 'widget.select', function () {

The event will continue to bubble up under the name of the originating component, not the name of each parent component.


Returning false from an event handler will prevent that event from bubbling further:

this.on( 'widget.select', function () {
    return false;

Sibling event handlers will still be called. Cancelling only applies to bubbling up to the next level of the view hierarchy.

Note that returning false has a dual purpose of both cancelling the view hierarchy event bubbling and cancelling the DOM Event if the event was DOM-based.

Template directives for handling component events implicitly cancel bubbling of the subscribed event:

<widget on-foo='bar'/>

In this example, widget.foo will not bubble. Instead a new event bar will be fired and bubbled, assuming the above template is also contained in a component, under the name of the new component.

The event.component Property

Events that bubble add a component property to the event object that is the component ractive instance raising the event:

this.on( 'widget.select', function ( event ) {
    event.component.observe( 'foo', function ( n, o, k ) {
        console.log( 'foo changed from', o, 'to', n );